30 april 2020

Air Liquide

Air Liquide

Your strategic business partner to accelerate a hydrogen society in Europe

Reducing CO2 emissions has become a major challenge for key players in industry and heavy mobility. To meet this challenge, Air Liquide has a comprehensive portfolio of technology and service solutions to support the decarbonization efforts of its customers around the world, from the supply of low-carbon industrial gases to active CO2 capture.

To decarbonize the planet, hydrogen plays a key role. The Air Liquide Group’s unique expertise in this field dates back more than 50 years. Its technologies are used throughout the low-carbon hydrogen supply chain, from production to storage and distribution. This technological expertise has already enabled Air Liquide to forge numerous strategic partnerships with major players around the world where the use of hydrogen has been developed on a large-scale, particularly (but not only!) in the transport and mobility sectors.

The momentum is there, and almost everything is actually in place to scale up a hydrogen economy, especially in Europe: early markets coming on stream, initiated efforts to align for deployment, existing supporting policies, a systematic need, a strong technological potential as well as signs of societal acceptance.
Joining forces is essential, which is why we are pleased to be able to accompany the 24H2 Challenge for another year and to spread the word: with hydrogen, the energy transition is in full swing!

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Win de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge met jouw team!

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Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

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Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!