28 september 2021

The journey to the 2021 hydrogen rally!

The journey to the 2021 hydrogen rally!

The Mirai Team Norway started the journey on the DFDS ferry from Oslo to Copenhagen. The ferry route is a vintage route from Oslo now a hot candidate to become a zero emission solution. By fuelling 44 Mt of compressed hydrogen stored in large Hexagon containers  for the voyage, the ferry aims to become zero emission by 2027. An Ørsted wind farm linked to a major electrolysis facility is planned to feed the ferry, helping to cut some 64 000 Mt of CO2 per year. On board, a 23 MW fuel cell system has been designed to propel the engines. This is a major upscaling of fuel cell systems where currently the largest systems in operation produce only 1-5 MW. For the future travellers on this vintage route the new vessel will offer ample space for up to 1800 passengers and up to 120 FCEV heavy duty, preferably VOS trucks, or 380 light duty fuel cell vehicles.

dfds medium

The journey was comfortable but still under a somewhat sad impact of the tail end of the Covid restrictions. Wide alleys and people on every second table in the dining room were marks of the distancing nightmare. A quick tour to the once packed and pulsing upper deck night club was a comic experience leaving a lot of sympathy for the lonely DJ.

A  mixed somewhat bumpy, night left the team in a bit mellow but in good spirit for the rally and ready for the planned series of meeting with core members of the thriving Danish hydrogen industry. Nel, Everfuel and Green Hydrogen Systems were mobilised by top management to welcome the team for very informative tours of the companies’ facilities.

Kind regards

The Mirai Team Norway

Follow their journey:

More pictures:


Image: Voropur Beach

whatsapp image 2021 09 27 at 23.42.47

Image: Everfuel Head Quarter in Herning

whatsapp image 2021 09 28 at 00.27.41

Image: Part of Team Mirai Norway

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Ben jij klaar om de uitdaging aan te gaan en de concurrentie achter je te laten? Schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is. Met teamwork, strategisch inzicht en creativiteit strijd je tegen de klok om de ultieme prijs te winnen. Word onderdeel van de oplossing en bewijs dat jij de nieuwe kampioen bent!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!