5 mei 2020

Fast Concepts

Fast Concepts

The organization of the 24 Hour Hydrogen Challenge introduces itself:

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Fast Concepts is the sole proprietorship of Arjan de Putter. Arjan is an independent expert in the field of electric mobility. Besides a lot of theoretical knowledge, Arjan also has a lot of practical knowledge. As early as 2013, Arjan made his first electric kilometers with a Mitsubishi i-Miev. He has expanded this knowledge and shared it with the following activities:

  • E-race (3,000 100% electric kilometers in 24 hours) (2015).
  • E-xpeditie.nl (since 2016): blog with practical tests of electric cars – developed into a knowledge platform.
  • World record attempt for 48 hours of electric driving (2016). 5 Teslas at the start: 2 of them broke the old world record of 4,020 km in 48 hours.
  • Realization of the Electric Time Trial (2017).
  • Initiator 24 Hour Hydrogen Challenge (1st edition 2017).
  • World record holder for 24 hours of hydrogen electric driving (2018)


We all want to be with our loved ones and be able to visit our family. In order to provide for our existence, we must see and speak to our colleagues and clients. Unfortunately, our transport system has evolved to such an extent that we are now used to very heavy vehicles (> 1,500 kg) to move 1 person (let’s say 80 kg). It does not take rocket science to determine that this is not efficient.

Electric driving is certainly a solution. But this solution also has consequences and advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately it is about behavioral change. We have to adjust our behavior and also our requirements and wishes package.

Fast Concepts sees the need for change and wants to contribute to help accelerate this change. And Fast Concepts also thinks that life should be a bit more fun. The nice thing is that this doesn’t have to be in conflict with each other!


In addition to substantive knowledge of electric driving, electricity networks and hydrogen, Arjan is also an innovator and (national and international) networker. His knowledge can help your organization in the following ways:

  • Speaker
  • Demo days for electric driving
  • Team Buildings with sustainable mobility – get to know the theoretical and practical consequences of the switch from ‘fossil’ to electric driving in a fun way.
  • Events (small and large):
    • Knowledge sessions
    • Challenges / Rallies
    • Hackathons


Call or email Arjan: 06 – 41 28 90 84 / arjan@fastconcepts.nl

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Win de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge met jouw team!

Ben jij klaar om de uitdaging aan te gaan en de concurrentie achter je te laten? Schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is. Met teamwork, strategisch inzicht en creativiteit strijd je tegen de klok om de ultieme prijs te winnen. Word onderdeel van de oplossing en bewijs dat jij de nieuwe kampioen bent!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!