28 september 2021

Energy Delta Institute wins 1st Nordic 24 hour Hydrogen Challenge 2021

Energy Delta Institute wins 1st Nordic 24 hour Hydrogen Challenge 2021

The first Nordic 24 hour Hydrogen Challenge has had a  very thrilling finale! Two hours before the finish,   three teams were heading to a close finish. And in the last two hours the ranking shifted completely!

Team Energy Delta Institute was lucky to catch a lot of ‘VOS Trucks’ – each worth 500 points. Team NEL Hydrogen had another strategy: making as much as possible kilometers by planning a trip through Sweden in which they managed to earn the bonus points for reaching the most northern and eastern location. Team Embassy of the Netherlands choose for the opposite: drive to the most northern point of Denmark (Skagen) by driving so economical that they had enough range to reach the HRS in Arhus. They managed to reach their goals under very bad weather conditions. After that they planned to visit Blavandhusk Fyr, worth 450 points and the bonus for the most western location.

But not all teams choose to drive as much as possible. Three teams planned a stay in a hotel and invested in the Creative Challenge. That’s how Everfuel Danmark and Greenstat rose in the rankings.

And the winners are…

Classic Challenge

  • Most driven kilometers: NEL Hydrogen (1.522 km)
  • Most refuelings: NL Embassy (6)
  • Highest economy (driven km/# refuelings): NEL Hydrogen (380 km/refueling)

Creative Challenge

Best Photo

walkin along lake

3rd price: Everfuel DK – walking along the lake at the Everfuel HQ in Herning

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2nd price: Energy Delta Institute – impression of the Great Storebelt Bridge at night

dfds medium

1st price – Greenstat AS with their Toyota Mirai before the DFDS ferry

Best Blog

  1. Greenstat (+1.100 points)
  2. Everfuel (+750 points)

Best video

  1. Everfuel (+1.100 points)
  2. Greenstat (+750 points)
  3. NL Embassy (+400 points)


By combining the points of the Classic and the Creative Challenge the ranking of the Overall Winner is made.

  1. Energy Delta Institute (12.956 points)
  2. NEL Hydrogen (10.197 points)
  3. Everfuel DK (9.027 points)

The full ranking, the driven routes and the pictures can be found on ElektriciTijdrit (click here).

We would like to thank all participants and all of our partners to make the first Nordic Hydrogen Challenge possible.



Win de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge met jouw team!

Ben jij klaar om de uitdaging aan te gaan en de concurrentie achter je te laten? Schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is. Met teamwork, strategisch inzicht en creativiteit strijd je tegen de klok om de ultieme prijs te winnen. Word onderdeel van de oplossing en bewijs dat jij de nieuwe kampioen bent!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!