14 oktober 2024

A sum up of a night in Paris …

A sum up of a night in Paris …

Blog by team FillnDrive – Coline Girardet

Part 2 of our blog, this time we didn’t bumped into someone everything was carefully planned ! We wanted to come to Paris but in order to maximize our point we made a quick detour in Germany to cross a border (no no we didnt do it for the autobahn ) then we headed to Liege in Belgium, checked some nice spots in Belgium with the impressive Atomium for instance. We made a big refills in Halle and headed to the beautiful city of Lille. Known for being one of the most amazing city for students because its near Paris, Amsterdam and Germany/Belgium for a beer night.
A long stop to the Musee des Beaux Arts then the Opera de Lille and the famous place General de Gaulle were the heart of the city is.
Then we went to …. Paris of course. We start our parisien lives in le Bourget to see our dear friends Arianne the rocket ship. A quick Hi to the Hysetco station just in front and then we went to check in the best hotspot in all Europe, our headquarters !

Quick hi to our neighbors France Hydrogène (Im kidding it was 2am)

Then we did what every Parisian’s hate the most. A complete tourist experience.
Invalides place, the Eiffel tower, took the famous Champs des Elyses road to arrived on the Opera Garnier (even prettier on the inside then the outside). Last but not least, Montmartre !!! We left a waking up paris before traffic turns to vinegar.

I hope everyone teams that came to Paris at 2 am realize that its impossible to do the Eiffel tower to Champs Elyses in less than 2hours on day time. But it was pretty enjoyable to have the city for us for a moment. Hope you will enjoy the next part that may will talk about our strategy on the way back to Ede !

Win de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge met jouw team!

Ben jij klaar om de uitdaging aan te gaan en de concurrentie achter je te laten? Schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is. Met teamwork, strategisch inzicht en creativiteit strijd je tegen de klok om de ultieme prijs te winnen. Word onderdeel van de oplossing en bewijs dat jij de nieuwe kampioen bent!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!

Zet jouw team in de startblokken en schrijf je in voor de 24 uur Waterstof Challenge.

Geef de concurrentie het nakijken met sterk teamwork en slimme strategieën.

Word onderdeel van de oplossing en laat zien dat jouw team de allerbeste is!